ISSN 1553-5053Sitio actualizado en   abril de 2024 Visitas:

Special Issue
September 2018

ISSN 1553-5053


In our world, technology and social networks have earned a central place in people’s daily life, producing modifications in their actions and in their social bonds. Nevertheless, the moral of our time continues to be ruled by the juridical system, the value of money, the social classes, etc. What would happen if the available technology and the social rules produced a new order of acceptance and social ascension? What would happen if the fascination on the social networks was seized by the power of the market to raise it to the maximum degree and to use popularity as a tool of selection and belonging to an elite group? We will analyze the episode “Nosedive”, through the vicissitudes of the main character, Lacie, to pose some questions as regards the use of technology and the impact in subjectivity, by placing the focus of interest in the responsibility of the subject.

[marron]Keywords:[/marron] responsibility | subjectivity | era | technology | science


The subject’s responsibility and the subjectivity of his/her era

This article is, for the time being, only available in Spanish: Nosedive | Caída en picada: La responsabilidad del sujeto y la subjetividad de su época

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Número Actual
Volumen 20 / Número 1
Enseñanza y transmisión
Dora Serué 

Alejandro Ariel, enamorado del cine
Dora Serué 
Juan Jorge Michel Fariña 

Casablanca: Una noche
Alejandro Ariel 

En rojo: la responsabilidad por la transferencia
El Color de la Noche
Alejandro Ariel 

La responsabilidad de ser padre
Alejandro Ariel 

La responsabilidad frente a la hipnosis
Old Boy
Alejandro Ariel 

Pierrepoint: El verdugo y la posición del analista
El último verdugo
Alejandro Ariel 

De la ética deliberativa a la decisión en acto
Alejandro Ariel 

La decisión imposible
La decisión de Sophie
Alejandro Ariel 

Criar una hija, crear una obra: la responsabilidad de ser madre
El cisne negro
Alejandro Ariel 

Justicia, verdad, libre albedrío
88 minutos
Alejandro Ariel 

Black Mirror: The National Anthem
Black Mirror
Alejandro Ariel 

Anexo I
Moral y Ética
Alejandro Ariel 

Anexo II
La responsabilidad ante el aborto
Alejandro Ariel 


aesthethika // Revista internacional de estudio e investigación interdisciplinaria sobre subjetividad, política y arte
