ISSN 1553-5053Sitio actualizado en   septiembre de 2024 Visitas:

Special Issue
September 2018

ISSN 1553-5053


Addictions are among the new clinical presentations that have proliferated dramatically in recent times. It is said that the addict is someone that breaks absolutely with the great Other and possesses certainty of joy in relation to the substance/object. This subjective position represents a very particular clinical challenge, as we attempt to offer a space for words when the patient has found another solution for their trouble. If there has really been an absolute rupture with the Other, why would these patients consult? What peculiarities does their entry into analysis have? Films allow a real chance of thinking, where it is possible to locate the uniqueness that the case presents. This narrative is ideal for reflecting on addictions, as they are of great complexity and to oppose to the generalizing intention that tends to prevail.

[marron]Keywords:[/marron] Addiction | Psychoanalysis | Erogenous masochism | Cinema

Black Museum

This article is, for the time being, only available in Spanish: Black Museum | Museo negro: El estatuto de lo pulsional en la clínica de las adicciones

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Número Actual
Volumen 20 | Número 2
La actualidad de Fernand Deligny en las practicas contemporáneas
Derek Humphreys 

Líneas, mapas y cámaras:
Marlon Miguel 

Deligny: un pensamiento en acto
Bertrand Ogilvie 

A falta de nuestros sentidos
Marina Vidal-Naquet 

Poner la vida en obra
Marlon Miguel 

Contra la deshumanización, cartografiar la errancia, acoger la diferencia
Derek Humphreys 

Entre Derechos Humanos, política y clínica
Noelle Resende 

La séptima cara del dado
Fernanad Deligny 

La ética y la resonancia
Ignacio Trovato 

La psicoterapia en situaciones de exclusión:
Derek Humphreys 
Martín Lamadrid 


aesthethika // Revista internacional de estudio e investigación interdisciplinaria sobre subjetividad, política y arte
