ISSN 1553-5053Sitio actualizado en   septiembre de 2023 Visitas:

Volume 18 / Issue 1
June 2022
New Amsterdam
ISSN 1553-5053


Suicide –or self-harm like its deadly predecessor– are usually nothing more than a screen for a pain impossible to be processed by the subject who suffers. The coordinates that pass through it expand, converge and twist in an endless spiral when there are no more resources left to find a vital exit. The life project seems unthinkable, especially when the multiple versions of the ominous are present. If, in addition, the age period in which they appear coincides with a crucial time – adolescence, youth, older adults – some form of propping up the Self in crisis is usually required. In this episode of New Amsterdam we see how the subjective disinvestment that produces the invisibility of the subject for the differentiated external objects mother-family (Aulagnier, 2004) makes a young woman try to build her identity under an extreme time of anguish.

Key words: Suicide | Adolescent | Crises | Acculturation

The Dilemma of a (Attempted) Suicide

The One Who Finds, Treasures

Universidad del Salvador

This article is, for the time being, only available in Spanish: Lo dilemático de un (intento de) suicidio

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Número Actual
Volumen 19 / Número 2
Editorial [pp. 1-3]
¿Sabiduría Artificial?
Juan Jorge Michel Fariña y Eduardo Laso 
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[pp. 5-11]
Théo Lucciardi 
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[pp. 13-28]
La inteligencia artificial en el cine
Eduardo Laso con la colaboración de Juan Jorge Michel Fariña 
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[pp. 29-40]
Virus y metáforas zombi
Gabriel Eira 
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[pp. 41-47]
Bioética e Integración de la Inteligencia Artificial en la Medicina
Gonzalo Alejandro Frez Pulgar 
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[pp. 49-56]
¿Operarios impasibles?
Boris Julián Pinto Bustamante 
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[pp. 57-61]
Ich bin dein Mensch
Juan Eduardo Tesone 
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[pp. 63-65]
Inteligencia Artificial: Pinocho dos mil años luz
Juan Jorge Michel Fariña 
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[pp. 67-74]
Eduardo Laso 
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Reseña de libro [pp. 75-77]
Una apuesta para una Escuela
Gigliola Foco 
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Reseña [pp. 79-81]
Black & White
Isabel Saraiva 
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aesthethika // Revista internacional de estudio e investigación interdisciplinaria sobre subjetividad, política y arte
